CE programme
In Person

Digital Impression in daily practice : Evolution or revolution?

Baghdad 2nd International Dental Meeting


Baghdad, Iraq, Middle East


Pr. Joseph Sabbagh

He graduated from Saint-Joseph university in Beirut. He holds master in restorative dentistry and endodontics and a PhD in biomaterials from the catholic university of Louvain (UCL), Belgium. In 2020, he obtained an HDR degree (Higher Degree of Research) from the Lebanese University, Beirut.
Currently, he is a Professor, and the former head of department and director of master program of restorative dentistry and Endodontics in the Lebanese university.
His private practice is limited to aesthetic dentistry and endodontics in Brussels and Beirut. He has published more than 25 papers in international peer-reviewed dental journals and has lectured locally and internationally. He has edited and published a book by Springer entitled ¨Bulk Fill Resin composites in dentistry¨ (January 2023). He is a member of several dental associations.


Iraqi Dental Association


Developed more then 25 years ago, CAD CAM is recognized today as a reliable and accurate technology replacing gradually conventional impression and simplifying it by eliminating a number of steps.

The success of an indirect ceramic restoration depends on the accuracy and quality of the technique used to deliver a flawless impression, and allow an optimal communication with the lab technician.

Several Intra Oral Scanners (IOS) exist, each having its advantages and inconvenient. Many factors can affect the scanning procedure quality and duration and thus the final result. Different prosthetic reconstructions in restorative dentistry can be performed by Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing such as single crown, inlays-onlays, endocrowns and veneers.

The purpose of this lecture is to help the dentist choosing his IOS, as well as overlooking the main parameters that ensures a successful digital scanning procedure.


Learning Objectives: 

• Understand how digital dentistry transforms our daily workflow

• What dentist must look for when selecting an intra oral scanner

• Get the techniques and tips to obtain a successful scanning procedure

• The importance of digital datasets for enhanced communication and collaboration with manufacturers and labs.